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The Building Owner & Manager’s Associations annual office tenant survey reports the number one complaint to be dirty bathroom floors and in particular dirty grout. More Janitorial companies are fired over their inability to keep floors cleaned, when in reality they have little impact if the grout has been stained. Marblelife can change all that. Marblelife will not just clean the floor but correct the root cause problem. When we are, done the floor will look brand new. The grout lines will be clean and uniform in color. The tile will be clean, or if you prefer a glossy appearance we can address this with a surface treatment that will not harbor mold or mildew. Marblelife’s solutions are engineered to maintain the wear protection of a receded grout line, extending the life of your floor and preventing your treatment from being worn like other solutions that aim to fill the grout to the shoulder of the tile. The net result is we can turn a tired, dirty bathroom into a new, restored, clean bathroom, so that when your tenants return they will see what appears to be a restored bathroom without the dust, downtime or cost of replacement. Your janitorial company will have a floor they CAN maintain, and you get the benefit of a space that is easier to rent and more likely to be renewed. Let’s face it, if a prospective client visits the lobby bathrooms first they already have a first impression of the building, its age and its management. Marblelife® aims to give you a first impression floor that wins tenants and is easy to maintain for your janitorial service, so you can invest your capital elsewhere.
Have no fear, while we can clean tile and grout, we are in the restoration business not the janitorial business. We want your referrals, and as such we offer a service designed to make you a hero to your clients regardless of the type of building you service. When grout lines become dingy or tile surfaces will no longer clean, its time you call us. We can restore a brand new, clean tile appearance in less than 8 hours. Regardless of how well your staff handles a mop bucket, this floor is easy to maintain. Even if treated with dirty mop water for 6 months, all that needs to be done is to wipe the grout line with some water and rag and you are back to a pristine appearing grout line and tile surface. We encourage you to give us a call on each of your new client contracts, and we'll assure you that you will look like a hero, and have an easier time keeping your client happy. Make a new friend, call your local Marblelife representative today. We’ll make you a hero with your clients.
Most architects tell us that 95% of the complaints on a new building’s floors are associated with the dulling of the grout lines, staining. Talk to MARBLELIFE® and we can help you adjust your specifications to deliver a building that is easier to maintain. Specify a standard grey grout, and have MARBLELIFE® Colorseal the grout, providing it the color desired, but for the first time we can use the color to communicate to the architect, builder and owner that the floor has been truly sealed. Prior penetrating sealers fail to provide any visual indication that the grout had been sealed, having been designed to specifically NOT alter the grouts color, finish or appearance leaving everyone to wonder whether enough seal had been applied, and virtually guaranteeing that somewhere on the floor was a weak point. Once the weak point fails, the floor begins to stain, the janitorial company is pushed to fix it and encouraged to try ever more aggressive cleaners until they finally unzip and strip the seal completely at which point the entire floor begins to take on a dull, dingy, stained appearance. With Colorseal that just cannot happen. Even if the surface is damaged, the color change allows one to quickly call MARBLELIFE® to have it repaired. But even that is unlikely, as MARBLELIFE®’s GROUTLIFE solution is engineered to maintain a recessed grout appearance, unlike other solutions which seek to fill the grout line to the tile shoulder and in so doing elevating the grout surface to the point that it can be traffic worn, damaged and abraded creating areas for it to grab dirt.